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A Psalm for the Soul: Overflow


The Bible speaks to us, but the Psalms speak for us.

In Scripture, the word "abounding" means to overflow. There are three instances of "abounding" listed in the Bible.

(1) Abounding Iniquity: Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. It means lawlessness. You have no boundaries. You are ruled by impulses.

(2) Abounding Grace: When sin abounds, grace abounds more. God’s grace cannot be earned or merited. Do you remember the day Jesus found you?

(3) Abounding in the Work of the Lord: You were saved to serve.

Psalm 71:23 says, “My lips shall greatly rejoice and sing unto you.” Surrender your life to Christ.

Do not let the stresses of the day steal your psalm.

—Linda Herring

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