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Seasons of Change in OFWB Youth Ministry

Written by Lori Medlin

Task Force Member

Youth Director at Micro OFWB Church

Fall is such a beautiful time of year. There is change in the air with cooler temperatures and falling leaves. It is a wonderful time to behold God’s beautiful creation all around us. Fall is also an exciting time of change for the youth of our denomination. School is starting back and Friday Night Lights welcome them to come cheer for their team. Fall sports start-up to teach kids skills and sportsmanship. All of the summer travel draws to a close and students of all ages will gather in their local churches to learn about Jesus and grow closer to God. As a denomination, we have an amazing opportunity to pour into the lives of these children and point them to Jesus. As summer turns to fall and brings excitement to these children, our denomination is bringing an exciting change to the Convention Youth Program.

During the Convention’s Annual Session in May 2024, a motion was approved to provide a new vision for the youth work of our denomination. This was done based on a recommendation from the youth leadership of our denomination.

To meet this expectation, the Executive Board appointed a task force to work under its direction to begin restructuring and revitalizing youth ministry across the denomination. The current "Task Force" members are Andrew Alphin, Caleb Hines, Josh Hobgood, Angela Mattox, and Lori Medlin. Convention Executive Board members, Ricky Warren and Howard Scott, oversee the group. With the appointment of this Task Force, all the work of the previous Youth Commission has ended, so that the new work can begin.

The appointment of the Youth Transition Task Force is just the first step of a much longer process. Next, the group will develop an initial vision, plan pending activities, explore options for structuring the work, and start assembling resource people to help. As the Task Force gains insight and experience, they will begin preparing a final report for the 2026 Convention that will include recommending the people who will be responsible for leading the youth work in the future.

Since our first meeting in August, the Task Force has developed five goals to work towards over the next two years as we plan to make a report to the Convention in 2026. First, we want to improve communications among churches and youth leaders in our denomination. We have so many great youth events that occur at churches across the Convention right now, but leaders in youth ministry don’t always know about them. We want to enhance the way we communicate with each other, not only to advertise events, but to share ideas and encouragement. Secondly, training for youth workers is necessary to develop a vibrant youth ministry across the denomination. Equipping a connected community of youth pastors, leaders, and volunteer workers with strategies and ideas to reach the youth in our Convention is vital to meet the needs of our OFWB youth.

Another goal of the Task Force is to establish fellowship events with other OFWB churches on a local scale. Students of all ages benefit from gathering with children from other churches in their area. They can make friends and build relationships with other children in the denomination. What a wonderful opportunity for kids to be able to fellowship and worship with other OFWB youth that share their same beliefs. In addition to fellowshipping together, the Task Force would love to rethink missions for our youth. If we can get together in worship and fellowship, why not work together in missions and outreach. In doing this, our denomination will build OFWB ambassadors in our local communities and beyond.

Intergenerational ministry is another key goal of the Task Force. Sometimes older generations and younger generations are completely separated in our churches. We want the youth of the Convention to connect to our older members. By doing this, a relationship will develop that will provide our youth the opportunity to gain wisdom offered by those who have been established in the denomination and in their faith. It will also give the older generation a way to become invested in the future of our denomination in a powerful way.

The Task Force established these five goals as a starting point in revisioning the youth work of the denomination. The Task Force is also looking to rebrand our Convention Youth work to become Student Ministry Connections. We want to move forward with the OFWB Student Ministry Connections in engaging all ages, from birth through college, to establish and grow personal relationships with Jesus. Accomplishing our goals will require support within churches and between churches. It will take time, dedication, prayer, and trust in God to guide our steps. The Task Force believes that as God leads us in this journey many blessings will flow from it.

One of the blessings that is already coming to light is our Spring Youth Convention. This spring event will be known as Unite 25 and it will be amazing. The Task Force is just starting to plan this event and we aim to make it resemble a day of camp at Cragmont. Camp Cragmont  in the summer is overwhelmingly successful. Kids from all over come and surrender their hearts to Jesus fervently. They leave with changed hearts and renewed spirits. The goal is for Unite 25 to be just that, an all day event where school age kids from across the Convention gather together to grow in their faith. Where kids leave with a hunger for the Word and a desire to grow closer to God in their lives. Make plans to join us for this extraordinary event on May 17, 2025 at the University of Mount Olive.

The Task Force has also begun the process of connecting youth workers throughout our denomination.. We have set up an email for churches and youth leaders to reach out with questions and ideas. The email is We have also created a Facebook page and Instagram profile to begin sharing youth related information across the Convention. Find it on Facebook at OFWB Student Ministry Connections and Instagram at @connectofwb. We are calling all youth pastors, leaders, and volunteers to like and share these pages. Let’s start connecting with each other by  posting events and sharing ideas right now.

Proverbs 22:6 says, Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. In a time where the children of our Convention are exposed to so many unhealthy choices in the world, we want to build them up in God’s Word. We want to encourage them in their faith and foster excitement for Jesus. With the excitement that comes from knowing Jesus as their personal Savior and receiving discipleship in our Convention, we want to raise up future leaders and church members for the OFWB denomination. We want to create an environment in the OFWB Convention that draws our children in and keeps them in our denomination. With this, the future of our OFWB churches will be expectant and bright.

What an exciting time to be part of the OFWB Convention. There are great things happening for the youth of our denomination. Please join the Task Force and the future OFWB Student Ministry Connections Team in this mission to spark a fire in our youth with your prayer and support.

Goals of Student Ministry Connections Task Force

  1. Improve communication among youth workers throughout the denomination.

  2. Provide Training for youth workers in the denomination.

  3. Organize youth events among area churches in the denomination.

  4. Centralize and connect Youth Mission Opportunities.

  5. Develop intergenerational ministries within and between local OFWB churches.

Start Connecting Now with Student Ministry Connections

Facebook: OFWB Student Ministry Connections

Instagram: @connectofwb

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