As an educator, I have been trained in ¨The Power of the Pause.” When guiding learning for students, I ask questions during or after the delivery of information. I have been taught to allow my students to have a wait time before responding. For just a few moments, students are encouraged to pause and think about the content that has been delivered, reflect on what is being asked of them, and decide how they wish to respond. The pause is intentional. Students are taught how to use this time, but only they can decide if it will be utilized.
Over the past few months, we have taken time to pause during worship. We are encouraged to be still, clear our minds, and open our hearts to what God has to share with us. I do not know about you, but that is one of the hardest things for me to do. I often find myself talking TO God, but not being quiet long enough to see what He has to say to me. I am learning to find the power of the pause in my time with God during worship as well as my daily time with Him at home. Just like my students, I possess the knowledge of the process, but it is my responsibility to take advantage of the pause.
How can this be put into action? First, quiet your body and mind. I have to literally make myself stop moving. Then praise God for all that He is. He is named: Almighty, Deliverer, Dwelling Place, El-Deah, the Mighty one. We can delight in the fact that He is all of these things at all times. We can reflect on how God has blessed us and seen us through each and every moment. We must listen and open our hearts to what God wants to share. This precious pause is so powerful, it is a time to be in the presence of God! How awesome is it that we serve a God who wants such an intimate relationship?
He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth" (Psalm 46:10 NIV).
This verse emphasizes the importance of quieting ourselves before God, recognizing His sovereignty, and trusting in His power. It encourages us to find peace and rest in the assurance of His presence and authority.
I encourage you to take a moment each day and make the power of the pause applicable to your life. Start small if needed, sit, and be still in the presence of God. It may be uncomfortable to begin with, but I can assure you that you will look forward to those moments day after day. In the pause, you will find rest.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for allowing us to come into Your presence and just be. There is nothing that we can do to earn Your favor; You love us always. Thank You for the rest that only You can provide. I pray that we are intentional, pause to dwell in Your presence, and hear what You would have us to hear. We love You! Amen.
Ashley Hines Piner is from Winterville, NC, reared in Winterville FWB Church. She is an Elementary Literacy Specialist at Chicod School, Pitt County, with a degree in Elementary Education from East Carolina University.